OUTREACH - Cambridge RAREfest to raise awareness of rare diseases

The Cambridge Rare Disease Network is sponsoring its first RAREfest on 30 November and 1 December 2018 at The Guildhall in Cambridge UK to raise awareness of rare diseases, including NA. The Advocacy will be in attendance and tickets are free. The organisers promise a full two-day event that will include speakers, interactive exhibits, films, live demos and other activities intended to inform on the latest rare disease connected science and technologies. The welcome address will be presented by Alastair Kent, OBE FRSA, former executive director of Genetic Alliance UK who is widely involved in rare disease issues and in advocating for the needs of rare disease patients and their families.


Other notable RAREfest events to be featured include a dance performance by Unique Feet performed by children with rare conditions, a Microsoft exhibit that teaches visually impaired children to learn coding and a virtual reality exhibit that assists in pain relief and anxiety reduction. The Advocacy’s Ginger Irvine, Nancy Glynn and Annette Chase will be attending RAREfest to learn more about the latest developments relevant to NA, gather new ideas and meet interesting and informative participants who will be helpful in our cause. If you are interested in attending this free event, you can find more information at https://camraredisease.org/rarefest/. We hope to see you there!


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