Voice Workouts - New Session
Maintaining and improving oral communication is an important therapy for patients diagnosed with VPS13A or XK disease.
by Alex Irvine and Elina Tripoliti

Alex & Elina video cover of Daily Voice WorkoutsDr Elina Tripoliti, speech therapist from University College London, and Alex Irvine, VPS13A patient, share the daily voice workout they’ve been using. It doesn’t need to be something complicated, but it’s important to do it every day. And you can be as creative as you want, Alex certainly enjoyed creating some cat limericks recently!


Check out their new 5-minute video on our YouTube channel!


For the warm-up, these are the easy-to-follow steps for any daily voice workout:

  1. Clear your throat. Have a glass of water handy, maybe with a straw.
  2. Take a deep breath and say /AAAAAAAA/ for as long and as LOUD as you can.
  3. Take a deep breath, start from your comfortable pitch, and go as high as you can for just 5 seconds. Don't forget to be LOUD!
  4. Take another deep breath, start from your comfortable pitch and go as low as you can for just 5 seconds. Be even LOUDER!
  5. Repeat the above 5 times.


Screenshot of voice workouts session - Alexandra Irvine (Alex), patient, on the left of the screen and Dr Elina Tripoliti, speech therapist, on the rightYou may find that reading is your thing. Poetry reading could be enjoyable. Alex certainly enjoys it. But she also enjoys creating her own poetry!


We hope you enjoy this session’s limerick (for those unfamiliar with the term, limericks are humorous five-line poems with a rhyme scheme aabba).


Elina and Alex have a great artistic project they’ll be revealing in a little while. And

they’ve already lined up more tips and tricks.


So, stay tuned, keep practising every day, and come back to see what we’re up to next! Don’t forget to like and share the new video with anyone who it may be of interest to.



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