Celebration commemorates the life of neurology pioneer David Marsden

In November 2018 Adrian Danek and Ginger Irvine attended a unique event commemorating the life of the late Professor David Marsden (1938-98). It was organised by UCL Institute of Neurology and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery Queen Square, London, and brought together colleagues and friends from far and wide.


David Marsden was the British neurologist who made a significant contribution in the field of movement disorders; he was described as "arguably the leading academic neurologist and neuroscientist of his generation in the UK."


Many of the foremost practitioners today paid tribute to Professor Marsden’s talents. He persuaded the UK Parkinson’s Disease Society to set up and resource a brain bank that continues to have a worldwide reputation for excellence in the field. He co-founded the Movement Disorders Society, which merged with the International Medical Society for Motor Disturbances in 1992, and still flourishes today.

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