Concert and raffle raises funds for NA research
On July 13, 2019, Tracy Ghoris from Ohio held a benefit concert and basket raffle at Mount de Chantal Conservatory of Music at Wheeling University, West Virginia, raising $1,043.00 USD for Neuroacanthocytosis research. A good time was had by all.
Bill Forrest from Colorado, a very talented pianist and vocalist who has performed on cruise lines for over 20 years, entertained 36 of Tracy's friends and family members with classical, jazz, Ragtime, standard, and pop music. The audience really enjoyed Bill's great performance. Light refreshments were also served.
Eleven themed baskets/containers filled with wonderful items were raffled off. Ohio basket weaver Susie Rataiczak (a friend of Tracy's since childhood) donated a lovely basket filled with dog treats and toys donated by Pawz in Time. West Virginia pottery maker Winnie Hurd donated a gorgeous bowl with goodies. Tracy's dad donated several items from his former shop, while a few local stores and restaurants donated items as well.
Tracy's mom served as event treasurer, and Jane Keyser (a neighbor and lifelong friend of Tracy's) helped assemble baskets/containers and sell raffle tickets.
Thank you everyone who helped with and attended this successful fundraiser that raised funds for an important cause.
