Dr. Jae-Sook Park awarded £5,000 Glenn Irvine Prize
The Advocacy has now awarded GBP 5,000 to the worthy recipient of the first Glenn Irvine Prize, Dr Jae-Sook Park from Dr. Aaron Neiman’s lab at Stony Brook, Long Island, NY, USA, who has devoted herself to expanding knowledge of the VPS13 protein, the function of which promises to shed critical insight into NA syndromes.
In addition to recognising an individual for outstanding achievement, the Prize is intended to encourage further work in the study of neuracanthocytosis.
The presentation of the first Glenn Irvine Prize had been planned for our 10th International Meeting on Neuroacanthocytosis in March. Although the symposium and Dr Park’s presentation of a paper in Barcelona have been unavoidably postponed, the Advocacy did not wish to delay awarding the prize money. Dr Park wrote to say, "I think the only way to show my appreciation to The Advocacy for Neuroacanthocytosis Patients is to study / research hard, hoping that my research helps to improve the quality of patients' lives."
Congratulations Dr. Park! We look forward to learning more from you in the field of NA research at the Meeting in Barcelona next year. Learn more about Dr Park’s many accomplishments in NA News, issue 33.