Report from 14th VPS13 Forum - July 31, 2023
Linking the Patient and Medical/Science Communities
by Despina Dinca

Cover of the VPS13 Forum report of the special 14th edition

If you’ve been with us for a while, you will be familiar with the VPS13 Forum. For those who just joined our newsletter, let us introduce it to you. The VPS13 Forum facilitates continuous conversations (in English) between the international communities of clinicians, researchers and patients and their families and carers. It takes place virtually for two hours every two months under the kind coordination of Dr Kevin Peikert, who is also the recent winner of the Glenn Irvine Prize. To attend future editions of the Forum, please email Kevin (


The 14th edition of the Forum on 31 July 2023 was a special one for us being dedicated entirely to the work of our two advocacy organisations. It covered many important areas from multiple angles: the patients’ perspective, the scientists’ perspective and the clinicians’ perspective. This is why we decided to write all these up as a report.


We invite you to read it and please do share it (on social media or elsewhere) with your network!s


We shared the full English version and a slightly condensed German version and there will be a Spanish version coming soon, too.


The 15th VPS13 forum will be held on November 20th. Be watching your email inbox and social media posts for the announcement.

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