In Memoriam
Rebekah Grace:
We received notification from Theresa Sames of the death of her daughter Rebekah Grace in December 2017 in Australia. Our condolences to her and her extended family. We thank her and the congregation at her farewell service for the kind contribution to the Advocacy’s work.
Eric Williford:
Our thoughts go to the family of Eric Williford of Orlando, Florida, who passed away on Jan. 31, 2018. Eric was born on Sept. 11, 1951 in Orlando and graduated from Boone High School. A physical therapist for 35 years, he held Bachelor's Degrees from Emory University and Georgia State, as well as a Master's Degree from the University of Central Florida. His brother Mark and wife Joy join with relatives and friends in remembering Eric and his life fulfilled.
"Eric possessed many rare qualities," writes his wife Sherry. "He was uncommonly kind and faithful. He was exceptionally involved with and proud of our children. He was atypical as a physical therapist, at least according to several nurses with whom he worked; they told me he was unfailingly helpful and never said 'that’s not my job' when the task was gross or mundane. Anyone who has seen Eric’s Bible knows he spent an extraordinary amount of time in the Word. Thus the rareness of McLeod’s Syndrome should not come as a surprise for a man who specialized in the uncommon.
McLeod’s Syndrome, the disease Eric had, can only be treated symptomatically. While we are thankful for the body of research already completed on MLS, we are also thankful that Eric is making a contribution in finding a cure for this wicked disease."