Informative discussion of all things McLeod syndrome (MLS) via today’s VPS13 scientific forum. Grateful to Dr. Kevin Peikert (Rostock, Germany) for organizing and facilitating the discussion. Great MLS overview and research update by Prof. Dr. Hans Jung in Zurich; Dr. Peikert’s review of his Barcelona symposia poster on a McLeod cohort was very enlightening; and a presentation on RBC (red blood cell) banking issues for MLS patients by Dr. Beat M. Frey from Zurich’s Blood Transfusion Service prompted discussion of how better to manage this issue. MLS patients have Kx- blood, a rarity, and a complicating issue when an MLS patient needs a blood transfusion.
The third VPS13 forum, held on 27 September, is covered in detail in the third article of the Research section of NA Newshere.
A fourth VPS 13 forum is scheduled for 29 November here.